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Identifying Underlying Causes of Unintended Weight Gain

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You get on the scale and are wondering how your weight has increased from the previous week. You’re shocked by the weight gain that you didn’t intend to. You can’t imagine anything that you did or ate differently to explain why you’ve gained weight. It could be that this is the real issue the reason for your unanswered weight gain is difficult to pinpoint and is likely to sneak up on you and add pounds rapidly.

Everyday we are bombarded with junk food items that are heavily processed and contain high levels of salt, sugar refined and refined carbs. It is difficult for people to find the perfect equilibrium and are open to creating healthy habits. It’s easy to see a gradual increase in consumption of calories caused by bad food choices.

It’s a good thing that once you are aware of the subtle triggers that make your weight increase and upwards, you can stop the pattern, take charge of your health and begin to shed and control your weight. There are a few less obvious triggers to keep in mind in the pursuit of an ideal, slim body.

baked pancakes

Food Presentation and Allure

Let’s take a quick assessment. Are you accustomed to large-serving portions when eating in restaurants? Do you often take a second bite at your home? Are you reaching for food items from the shelves of your grocery store because they look attractive? Are you drawn to high-energy food items? Are you suffering from food cravings that lead to poor choices in food?

If the answer for any of the above questions is yes you’ve identified one the causes. You probably consume more calories a day than you plan to. If you’re not paying attention to the type of food you eat is being eaten, how much and when you eat it could result in negative consequences. Not being aware is a surefire way for you to be unintentionally overweight. However, there are steps you can take to stay clear of the lure of eating more fattening food and overeating.

Begin by focusing on what you eat. Check calorie counts, look for ingredients that affect metabolism and make an effort to reduce portions. One way to accomplish this is to share meals at restaurants with a friend (or taking a portion home to enjoy later). Restaurants are known as a result of “over-serving” customers leading to an excessive intake of calories-rich food items. Get a take-away box as soon as your meal is ready then put half into the box and then eat the rest. The best method to control your intake of food and also save money. Win-Win.

At home the issue of portion control remains an problem. Make sure you limit yourself to one serving. Similar to the above strategy, it can be used at home. If you cook a big dinner before sitting at a table to eat, go ahead and store some in the refrigerator.

Be wary of advertisements for food; they could lure you into eating unhealthy food, which can lead to an unintentional increase in calories. Make sure to think about what eating. If you take your time to plan and stay focused you’ll make your eating more efficient and more likely to prevent weight gain as time passes.


Exploring the internet, watching videos, and watching the most recent Netflix shows are all simple ways to spend your time. However, you may get involved in your screen that you lose information about time and skip out on the things that your body requires to remain healthy and fit.

The nature of technology that creates habits just adds to the damage of this unintentional trigger to gain weight. Although it requires determination and perseverance to break the addiction to technology there are many enjoyable ways to spend your period of time to maintain the healthy weight.

Enjoy the fresh air and sunshine through a workout such as the exhilarating run, hike or a bike ride. In the afternoon, you can work at the gardens. Go to the shopping mall to take a quick walk and some stimulating browsing or join the Zumba session at your fitness center.

When you make the effort to move away from sitting actions and move more and exercise, you’ll feel more energetic and keep weight loss at bay and increase your overall health over the in the long run.

Stress and Worry

Stress levels are an pervasive causes of weight gain, particularly when it comes to stress-related eating, in which people are prone to relying on unhealthy comfort foods to ease their anxiety, worry or anxiety.

Stress causes the release of cortisol, a stress hormone. Research studies have revealed cortisol to be directly connected to weight gain that is not intentional. Our bodies are controlled by hormones, and knowing the relationship between cortisol levels and food habits can assist you in making healthier choices about your food.

A surefire way to boost the amount of cortisol in your body (which is not a good thing) is to not have enough hours of sleep. Even the little sleep deficiency can cause an increase in the stress hormone. It’s easy to suggest that you must avoid sleep-deprivedness However, there are useful biohacking strategies to help you sleep better.

The immediate gratification could provide temporary relief however, you’ll be at risk of an emotional diet, weight gain and even weight-related health issues. There are solutions to manage stress that will not increase the size of your midriff.

Another option is to substitute food items for activities that help reduce stress love, such as the practice of meditation, spending time with a loved one or taking a bath, reading as well as engaging in a relaxing pastime. If food remains the primary way to relieve stress, change to healthier alternatives. Replace potato chips in favor of popcorn or nuts, and satisfy your sweet tooth by eating fresh fruits and yogurt. If you are struggling with food cravings you can use your power to manage your thoughts and choices, and stop worrying from causing the weight gain.

Weight-Packing Pharmaceuticals

The use of pharmaceutical drugs is often required to treat a health issue. They also can have unintentional side effects like weight gain, something you might not be aware of immediately. One of the prescriptions that are known for its inadvertent weight increase is contraceptives for birth. However, if you are taking regular doses of the medication and notice that your weight increase it could be due to some connection.

In actual fact an study has revealed that as high as 15 percent of the weight-related issues can be attributed to medication that can trigger increased thirst, encourage fluid retention, hinder the body’s capacity to burn calories or alter appetite.

It’s true that removing the medication you take isn’t a suggested option however, you may discuss with your physician alternative options to treat the condition. Sometimes, it’s trial and error before you find the right medication without the unwanted side effect of excess weight.

A doctor can assist you through the process. You should consider exploring natural remedies for treating ailments also. Some have shown promising results and aren’t likely to cause weight gain, as the effects of pharmaceutical medications can.

Daily Diet Sodas

If you believe that your diet soda obsession does not affect your weight, because it’s sugar-free be sure to reconsider. Artificial sweeteners found in diet soft drinks could make you crave sugary and carb-heavy food items.

In addition the fact that drinking diet soda often increases the chance to develop metabolic syndrome which is a collection of illnesses that can lead to excessive body fat around the waist. Beware of the low calories count for diet drinks. they could be deceiving factors that can lead to weight increase.

If you’re used to drinking diet sodas every day choosing a healthier and satisfying alternative could be difficult. Start by introducing different drinks into your daily diet. Try hot or iced teas, water with a flavor as well as low-sugar juices containing seltzer. Drinking a few glasses of plain water per day will help in reducing weight gain through reducing appetite, assisting the body to reduce fat, and encouraging healthy digestion.

The goal should be to concentrate on the real food items. Diet sodas (or processed foods with low fat) aren’t healthy choices.


We are often not trying to make bad food choices. It is often difficult to find healthy choices in their diets that are supported by regular workout routines. Food that is healthy and a high amount of exercise will bring about significant changes in the body’s weight.

Gaining weight and which can lead to an weight gain without intention occurs when you aren’t sure what is creating the issue. Be aware of subtle causes that cause weight increase. This will help you stay slim and live longevity and a healthy lifestyle.

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