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Beginner-Friendly Meal Prep Recipes: Simple and Delicious Options

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cooked food

Easy Meal Prep Recipes for Beginners

Are you finding yourself running out of meal preparation ideas? Are you looking to start cooking at home? We’ve got you covered. easy recipes for meal preparation for novices!

If you’re trying to lose weight or simply need to eat healthier homemade food, you may be running out of ideas or time to do that. Explore our meal prep tips and recipes to assist you.

Tips for Meal Prepping

Let’s take some ideas to prepare meals that will assist you.

Cook in Batches:

This is among the most efficient ways to plan the meals you can make ahead. If you don’t want consume the same food every day take a half day during your time during the weekend to prepare a meal for the week. You can then store portions to freeze. This can make the meals you eat during the week significantly easier.

Have the Right Tools:

There isn’t much you need to cook, however some kitchen tools will give you a bit of assistance. If you are short on time in your daily life, you should consider purchasing the rice cooker and/or slow cooker.

The rice cooker can be the most useful kitchen tools You can, of course, make rice, but it can also cook other grains, like lentils, beans, etc. It can also be used to steam cooked potatoes, baked vegetables as well as bake potatoes. There are even recipes for rice cooker cakes and bread!

A slow cooker can be useful for a lot of curries, meat dishes chili con carne and the majority of casseroles.

Many people have been enthralled by InstantPot. InstantPot. It is a versatile product. InstantPot can perform the functions that a rice cooker steamer, slow cooker and many more. It truly is a versatile kitchen gadget.

Prepare for Storage:

If you’re looking to save time and cook in batches it is also necessary to have containers for food items that you can put in the refrigerator or freeze. For vegetables and fruits that are cut into slices plastic containers are ideal however, you could also make use of glass jars that can be reused.

If you’re looking to get rid of the traditional (although excellently perfect) plastic containers made of thin material then you should check the following options. They’re very sealable they are cleanable and more durable than old-fashioned products.

Make a Meal Plan

Another method that can assist you plan your meals in advance for the entire week. Here’s a link an article we’ve posted on the subject of Meal Prep to Lose Weight This article includes a large amount of essential information about meal preparation.

Planning your meals is essential to a successful and enjoyable meal preparation. Start by making a meal planning plan, and then focus on buying the essentials which form the foundation of the plan.

It’s a good idea to stock your pantry with staple items that can be stored for some time and you will use frequently. Perhaps that would include grains and beans (such as chickpeas, brown rice red beans, quinoa) and canned vegetables such as the corn and spices herbs and other.

Again, your freezer can be useful in this in that. It’s simple to keep frozen fruits and vegetables to use in meals preparation. Be sure to know the time limit for keeping frozen food items. Make sure to label food according to the guidelines. Remember that you shouldn’t keep food frozen twice.

After you’ve completed your the meal planning and you have your shopping list to start the week you should try to prepare or cook as much as you can in advance and then portion the food according to portion.

Don’t overstock Also, consider a few backup meals that are simple to cook using canned or dry foods. So, in the event that you ever find yourself running out of time or can’t make it to the store and you don’t have time, you’ll have a plan in place and not be tempted to dine pizza! You can, for instance, always keep a bag of spaghetti made from whole wheat as well as an jar of tomato sauce to use as a “backup” meal.

Meal Prep Strategies for Beginners

In addition to the pre-made meal, a different strategy for a well-planned meal is to include salad bowls or vegetable bowls to accompany the basis of your meal plans. Salad and veggie bowls are simple to make and healthy, which makes the perfect meal prep plan. They’re also incredibly simple to pack in case you are having lunch at work. the best choice for you.

It is possible to store lettuce small portions of pre-cooked grains, beans, rice and chopped salad greens, like cucumbers or tomatoes. You can also purchase and keep some of them to include: sliced ham or the cheese feta, eggs that have been hard-boiled. Based on your preferences you can plan your quantities in your meal schedule throughout the day.

Also, don’t be scared to experiment using salad ingredients. Try zucchini noodles for a healthy crunch. Sweet potatoes that have been roasted add a healthy sweetness to salads. Sweet peas are excellent choices. The seeds and nuts (pistachios and pumpkin seeds, walnuts, etc.) offer a refreshing change of texture.

If you’re short on time to prepare your meal or want having a salad bowl, simply put them into a bowl according to your preference, sprinkle on some salad dressing or olive oil, perhaps some seed or nuts…your healthy, nutritious meal is prepared!

Easy and effective Meal Prep recipes for beginners

Let’s look at some easy recipes to make healthy food!

Healthy Breakfast to Start the Day:

Power Smoothie:

If you’re working from home it is among the most convenient ways to begin your day off with energy! Blend that has ice cubes, couple of frozen fruits 1 banana, 1 teaspoon of peanut butter, and a half glass of milk (you could also make use of coconut, soy, or almond milk).

It is possible to alter the ratios of ingredients and proportions in accordance with your preferences. Frozen fruits are handy if you prefer smoothies to eat breakfast. If you make your smoothie with frozen fruits, you may remove the ice cubes. you’ll have your drink chilled and ready for drinking!

Avocado and Egg Toast:

A simple and easy meal to make! Simply take two slices of bread that is wholegrain crush an avocado and be spread over with spice and salt, then fry or boil 2 eggs and sprinkle to the over!

Avocados are great for healthful fats, and are easy to incorporate into your morning routine.

Granola and Yogurt:

They are simple ingredients to keep in the fridge and can be made into an amazing breakfast that requires no preparation. You can also add nuts or seeds or frozen berries.

Salad Recipes:

Greek Inspired Salad:

2 tomatoes 2 small cucumbers 2 tomatoes, 1 small cucumber, some feta cheese an assortment of black olives, a half of an onion. Simply chop and toss it all in a bowl. Then add balsamic vinegar and olive oil as per your preferences!

Chick Peas Honey Mustard Salad:

This is a great base for many salad bowls. If you’re using canned chickpeas you need to wash them clean. If you choose dry chickpeas it is necessary soak them for a night and then boil or cook them in a rice cooker. After that, you can use the equivalent of a chickpeas can and mix the dish with this sauce consisting of three or four teaspoons mustard 2 tablespoons of honey 1 teaspoon olive oil, and a few pieces of coriander or parsley. It is possible to keep them in the refrigerator for a few days, and serve it as salad base. Simply add salad greens to your preference and you’re ready to eat!

Make-Ahead Meal Recipes:

To make batch cooking easy and meal preparation Here are some suggestions. They are simple to portion and then store to be used later.

Creamy Curry:

One of the simplest items to prepare ahead of time and put for storage in the freezer. You can make chicken dishes or any other variety of veggies to create a vegetarian recipe.

To make chicken, chop the breasts of a chicken (about 500g should be enough for four portions) and cook them in a skillet for a couple of minutes. If you are a vegetarian, you can make a mixture of carrots, potatoes and broccoli, for instance. Cook them in steam prior to making them available in the curry pan below.

To make the curry sauce, chop one large onion, 4 cloves of garlic and cook them for a couple of minutes. Put them in a pan with a low flame and add 500ml low-fat coconut cream, 3-4 teaspoons of your curry paste, and chopped coriander. Curry powder, salt and pepper as you like. Add your vegetables or chicken and allow them to cook for about 30 minutes. If you’re in need of additional liquid, you could add one cup of water or a low-fat yogurt.
Serve it with brown rice or a mixture of beans and rice.

Chili Con Carne:

This recipe is also a great to prepare ahead meal that can be stored in portions. This recipe is able to provide you with four portions.

Finely chop two large onions, then crush three cloves of garlic. Stir fry them in an oil pan for about a couple of minutes until they become soft. Then, put them aside. Also, you will require around 250ml of beef broth made from either homemade or powder, so you can prepare it in advance.

In the pan cook 500g of minced meat with spices and salt. Once cooked, take out the juice, and then add the garlic and onions, along with chopped tomatoes from a can and season with 1tsp ground cumin or 1 teaspoon in paprika. Lower the heat, and allow to simmer for about 20 minutes and then add kidney beans (drained) and cook for 5 – 10 mins. It is possible to adjust the seasoning according to your preference.

Chili con carne is served with rice, hot tortillas or corn tortilla chips, or flatbread.


You now have a wealth of ideas for simple meals prep recipes for novice cooks. The only thing you need to do is…to begin cooking! If you’d like to find more food ideas, take a look at our category pages.

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