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Tips for Returning to Running and Preparing for Race Day

After a lengthy year of being in limbo, athletes all over the world could soon be able to begin running again within the next few months. There are indications of things getting back to normal, and although we’re still not quite there but we’re moving towards it! “Normal” for the majority of runners could include regular 5ks in the local park as well as the major local marathon. We’ll get back to running when we get there If you’re thinking what you can do to return to running after a break of a while then this article is for you.

man under blacktop road under cloudy skies

Through the course of this pandemic, we’ve witnessed a number of race companies come up with innovative ideas for virtual races. There have been innovative ways of getting people up to take part in virtual races, by offering great prizes and creative methods for tracking the results. These are great short-term options, however we would like to return to traditional in-person races. There is nothing like the excitement of getting in line at the corral, and waiting for the beginning gun to be fired.

There are many areas that have a certain amount of race already offered However, these typically contain strict rules on social distancing as well as limits on the amount of participants. The 40,000 participants who take on a marathon in a group aren’t fully back as of yet. But they’ll be in the near future and when they will be going to be, you’ll need to be prepared.

Return to Running Tips

To help you get on the right track, we’ve got a few suggestions for getting back to running:

  • Start Slow:If you raced in the month of March, 2020, chances are that you are still a ways off to regain the same form. If you are putting on your shoes for the first time following an extended break, make sure to begin slow. A low mileage at the intention of running at a slower pace than you normally is the recommended way to go. If you push too hard the first couple of times you are more prone to injury and get frustrated.
  • Rest Up:If you feel good after your first run that was slow and steady take a step back and give yourself a few days prior to your next run. The body isn’t used to running all day long even though it was. A proper rest period between your initial few runs is very important.
  • Join a Club or Find a Buddy:The first run you take on could be painful, or even disorienting. If you familiar with a pace of 7 minutes and feel exhausted after running at 9 minutes, it could really make you feel down. Running is typically an individual sport, however having a group of people or a running partner is an excellent way to help through the tough times. Support from the moral side, cheerleaders who are mutual and hanging out following the run is just a few things which can help make an stressful session much easier to handle.
  • Consider Switching to Trails:Trail running is much easier on the body. Running on dirt, grass or sand is a lot better for your joints as opposed to the sting of hitting asphalt repeatedly. The steepness of trail running may seem more difficult than road running, however the variety of terrain, with its steep downhill and uphill sections is actually easier to handle to run over the long haul. You’ll be using different muscles to propel yourself up, or manage your speed as you descend. Your legs will be differently than if you been in a recurring movement for a similar time. In addition, trail races will be among the first events to come to the forefront since the number of participants is usually low.
  • Develop a Strategy and stick the plan to:Create a weekly plan for the first month in the saddle. Set daily mileage and speed goals which will be the sensible slow, regular way to get back on the road. Gradually increase the mileage and speed to a level that feels comfortable for you. Once you’ve established the strategy, ensure that you adhere to the guidelines. Don’t deviate. Don’t push yourself to go further or harder just because you’re feeling well right now. Follow the guidelines and be sure to get back on the right track.
  • Be gentle with yourself:If you’ve been at home, working and eating throughout the day, you might have lost some muscle and gained weight. It’s ok! There’s a pandemic going on! The most beneficial thing you could do for your family, yourself and your community was to remain home. If you’re still working to finish to get back to the place you were before, that’s not something to be concerned about.

Do Your Research

However everyone wants to return to where we started. Here are a few tips to participate in races once you’re back to normal

  • Study Safety Procedures Learn how your race will approach social distancing, as well as other COVID-19 protocol. Make sure that the race’s position is in line with yours and that you’re happy with how they’re handling the situation.
  • Register for the Distance You’re Able to manage: Just because there’s an awesome half-marathon happening within your area within a few weeks doesn’t mean you must run it. If you’re not able to train properly in the required distance hold off until you can. You will never run out of races.
  • Participate in an event on the trail. Race: Trail races are generally smaller and spread out. They typically start with a corral, but after the gun goes off, participants are more likely to be get spread out across the course. Trail races are a fantastic opportunity to start running again because of this.

Let’s not overlook getting our nutrition under control. The old saying is that you cannot outrun the consequences of a poor diet. If you’re looking for ways to make your diet more effective, you should check out the articles that will help you in the What We pages on eating.

If you’re novice to the sport and want to lose some weight on your journey read the latest article on this site!


It’s likely that we’ll return to normal shortly. If we do sure, we’ll be seeing a rise in the number of races that are available in person. If that happens you’ll be compelled to get off your couch and out and about. The excitement, the community of people, every one the elements of in a race will be present. These suggestions will allow you to get ready for everything!

Are you in search of an unforgettable trail experience? Look no further than our latest article about running a marathon on the mountain located in Guatemala!

Get started. You don’t want to miss the first few races you’d like to participate in as you wait for your body’s acclimatization to take place. The best time to take up the sport we all are so passionate about. It’s great to be back!

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