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A Basic Dietary Guide for Building Muscle

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A Simple Nutrition Plan for Muscle Gain

If you are looking to build muscle is your goal, you are aware that your exercises are essential however, so do your food choices. There are many choices available today, and it is difficult to choose which option is the best or adhere to a plan. In this article, we will take an in-depth look at a basic nutritional plan for building muscle that is easy to sustain in time and can aid you in attaining the growth in muscle and body weight you desire!

Foods to Focus On

Let’s first take a look at the most important food groups we’re going to cover within this piece.

Carbohydrates(often called “carbs”):

Carbs can be a source of energy, since your body requires the glucose they supply however, not all carbohydrates are beneficial for your health! “Simple” carbohydrates are basically sugars, and you do not require a lot of them. Be aware that generally the more processed the food item is, the greater the proportion of carbohydrates it will be. Try to stay away from cakes, sodas or sugary cereals. Complex carbs, which take longer to breakdown within your body, can aid in energy levels and typically contain high levels of fiber too. The whole grain, the beans along with legumes (such as lentils, green beans and chickpeas) Oats, oats, as well as fruits are better sources of carbs that can help you achieve muscular growth.


They are required by the body to safeguard organs as well as cell growth and many other things. The type of fat that is commonly described as “healthy fat” can be present in many foods, including nuts, coconut or olive oils, avocados and other fatty kinds of fish. The ones you need to stay clear of are trans fats (also known as trans-fatty acids) that, along with other things can have an adverse impact on cholesterol levels. They are mostly found in processed foods like fast food, fried foods and baked goods such as cakes, cookies or frozen pizza.


This is the final food group that is essential for muscle development and aiding your body in the repair of injuries. You can find them in meat, eggs fish, dairy products. They are also found in a variety of cereals and nuts.

The body requires each of them to be functioning properly, with the percentages of each being the crucial aspect! The most common misconception is that you require a large amount of proteins to create muscle mass, however you also require carbohydrates and fat. A typical split of food groups that aid in the growth of muscles includes 40-60% carbohydrates and 25 % to 35% protein as well as 15-25 percent fat. We believe that the most important thing here is to choose “good foods” in those categories. You may need a little few trials and errors to figure out the most appropriate split for your needs.

One food item that isn’t mentioned enough is…water! Hydration is essential for your body, and it is essential to drink water not just when you work out and sweat, but all during the entire day. The amount of water you drink will require adjustments based on your level of physical activity, and the size of your body and weight. It is also important to consider the weather conditions: if you live in a climate which is hot it is necessary to boost a little bit your daily intake of water.

The Best Diet Tips for Building Muscle

In terms of eating habits, there’s no standard size that fits all and you may need to alter the following. In order to achieve your goal of the growth of your muscles, you’ll need to develop a diet program that can help you build muscle without adding weight.

In the beginning, you must make sure that you are eating according to your workout routine. If you’re exercising, you require sufficient food to develop muscles. When you’re doing nothing, you must eat enough food to prevent losing the muscle mass.

The second is that a lot of research suggests that eating prior to or after exercise can help with gains in muscle. It doesn’t need to be an extravagant food, but you need to think about eating snacks or a smaller meal prior to your workout.

General Food Tips:

The amount of food you consume is determined by the mass of your body. There are a variety of methods to determine the amount of calories you require per day. This is the method of determining the ideal amount of food you should consume. You could also play around with the meal plan we have provided below and alter the quantities according to your needs.

The idea is to have the right food intake to provide the body with more energy than it requires and utilize this extra intake to build muscle instead of building up fat.

In examining the food groups we looked at one of the major problems faced by a large number of people is staying away from processed food items. When you can grab an item out of the freezer the corner shop is simple but it’s often loaded with trans fats or added sugar that’s not helping your goal of building muscle.

In the case of meals one suggestion that could assist is to prepare beforehand when cooking, and then store portions of meals in freezers. For instance, you can make a batch of some of the meal ideas listed below that are able to be frozen or stored for later use, like chili con carne or curry. Similar can be done using a variety of cooked vegetables.

Another tip is to keep a stock of snacks which are healthy and contribute to your daily intake of food like cereal, nuts, proteins bars Fruits like fruits or bananas, for example. Certain of these are convenient to take with you or to keep in your car, at your workplace and so on. So, you’ll be able to stay away from the temptation to buy anything from the vending machines or from the shop next door!

Our Favorite Meals for Muscle Gain

Here are some suggestions on meals that you can utilize to build muscle. One method to alter the quantity of food you consume is to increase or decrease the amount of food portions. Another option is to reduce it into smaller portions and eat more frequently throughout the day.

The amount you should consume will be contingent on your body’s size and weight. One way to determine the quantity is to establish an amount of calories you must consume every day. There are plenty of apps that will aid you in that.

As previously mentioned it is important to be aware of the percentages of different food groups that you consume. For more information on macronutrients take you look through our article on macro-planning here.


  • Eggs, Greek yogurt, berries
  • Oatmeal, milk and nuts
  • Whole grain bread, turkey ham, avocado
  • Cheese, mushrooms, and vegetable Omelet
  • Scrambled eggs and salmon


  • Green beans, salmon, fruit
  • Rice brown, chicken breasts and yogurt
  • Sweet potatoes, eggs, cottage cheese
  • Hummus and fruits, vegetables, omelet smoothie
  • Chicken, avocado, tomato sandwich


  • Protein shake with Whey Protein shake
  • Fruit smoothies with added peanut butter or almonds
  • Bananas
  • Peanut butter sandwich
  • Dry fruits and nuts


  • Chickpeas, spinach, and chickpeas. Beef steak
  • Pasta and vegetable, slices cheese
  • Lentils curry, shrimps and curry fruit
  • Pork chops, vegetable and brown rice
  • Chili con carne, berries

Should You Supplement for Muscle Growth?

Research has shown that the protein intake is essential to build muscle. This doesn’t mean that it’s a must however it can help you gain a bit of. Additionally, if you’re struggling to get enough protein daily, adding Whey Protein could give you an extra boost to reach your goals for muscle growth. Protein powder isn’t the only way to boost your daily intake, but it’s definitely one of the most effective ways to get it done.

There are a lot of protein supplements on the market At EMH we prefer Optimum Nutrition HydroWhey which is utilized in the hands of “The Rock” himself. The most popular method of using whey protein to aid in the growth of muscles is to consume it either before or after your workout. This is as simple as taking your protein drink to the gym.

We have recently discussed biohacks for gaining muscle which can assist you in achieving your goals quicker, take a look! Also, take one look at our most-loved workout routines

If you’re planning to make an important alteration to your diet to increase your muscle mass it may be helpful to talk with your physician or a nutritionist.

This simple plan of nutrition to build muscle you’re prepared to hit your goal of growing muscle!

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